
Four Habits That Will Transform Your Thinking

Often, we blame our unhappiness on circumstances beyond our control. We let our automatic thoughts, the cognitions that occur to us naturally, to take control of our thinking and thus how we feel. You have more control than you think. Changing your thought processes starts by paying attention to what it is that you are [...]

2024-02-28T18:29:03-05:00July 30th, 2017|Benefits of Therapy, Human Behavior, Marriage, Mindfullness, Stress|

Letting Go

What if we create and maintain problems in our life because it provides us with a sense of identity and comfort? For example, the way we hold onto the pain of a break up because that’s the only thing we have left of the relationship, or staying angry at someone for something he did because [...]

2024-02-28T18:29:43-05:00September 26th, 2016|Anger, Human Behavior, Mindfullness, Psychology, Relationships, Self-care, Stress|

You Control How You Feel

It seems automatic, something happens and we feel a specific way as a result. Someone says or does something, things don’t turn out how we would like, and we get angry, feel sad, disgusted, etc. We often think, “She made me mad,” or “He really upset me.” In actuality, there is no switch that someone [...]

What Do Your Feelings Tell You?

We seek happiness, often numbing or ignoring painful feelings. We power through distress, thinking that if we ignore it, it will go away. Sometimes the pain does disappear if we tune it out, but more often than not, it seeps into other parts of our lives and makes us miserable. So many of us run [...]

2024-02-28T18:32:19-05:00March 10th, 2016|Anger, Psychology, Stress|

Tis The Season to Be….Unhappy?

It’s the most wonderful time of the year….but is it? Although holidays are a time of joy, cheer and laughter for some, for others, the opposite holds true. Research indicates that 1 in 10 Americans will experience depression at one point in their life, and this number increases during the holiday season, which starts at [...]

The Human-Animal Connection; it does a body (and brain) good!!

Studies have been done for years regarding the physical and mental health effects petting a dog has on humans. However, the realm of pet-assisted therapy is still in its infancy. As researchers learn how and why our bodies respond the way they do when we interact with dogs, the evidence will get more difficult to [...]

2024-02-28T18:30:07-05:00August 3rd, 2015|Anger, Children Therapy, Human Behavior, Psychology, Relationships, Stress|

Anxiety Increases Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease in People with Mild Cognitive Impairment

Anxiety can increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease for those individuals with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), according to researchers at Baycrest Health Sciences' Rotman Research Institute in Toronto. Scientists looked at a sample of 376 adults with MCI, ages 55-91, every six months over a three-year period. They used neuroimaging to analyze brain structural changes. [...]

2024-02-28T18:30:28-05:00February 22nd, 2015|Aging, Memory, Stress|
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