Child and Adolescent Therapy

At PsychCare we serve the emotional needs of children, adolescents, teenagers and their families. Children and adolescents have several ways that they communicate their emotional distress.

Sometimes children and adolescents:
– feel worried, unhappy, or frightened for reasons they either have difficulty explaining or cannot explain.
– behave in ways of clinging to their parents due to feeling fearful about independence.
– have difficulty channeling their energy in ways that develop their potential.
– develop rituals or specific fears because they feel powerless or helpless in difficult situations.
– refrain from making or sustaining friends or getting along with others at school or in the family.
– act aggressively because of their inability to control their actions and their struggle to find other ways to share feelings.

Sometimes teens:
– feel bewildered about their identity and confused about their future.
– use drugs or alcohol to feel better to deal with their depressed feelings.
– develop poor eating habits in order to cope with difficult feelings they cannot express.
– make poor choices for friends in order to find companionship.

At PsychCare, we offer a wide range  of services to help children, adolescents and their families that are being hindered in their emotional growth and development due to emotional problems. Initially, the process of therapy begins with an assessment of the nature of the problems and an establishment of a treatment plan based on the assessment.

Therapy for children and adolescents is based on the foundation of the relationship of the therapist and the client. The specially trained and trusted therapist helps the client deal with the causes of their distress and helps them acquire the necessary skills to deal and cope more adaptively. Young children often communicate through play; older children and adolescents may prefer talk. Generally, as part of the therapy process, there are regularly scheduled meetings with parents to discuss progress and address any of their concerns about their child.