Individual Therapy

Therapy can be a powerful, even life-changing, experience that can help you connect your thoughts, behaviors, and emotions, deepen your understanding of what is meaningful and valuable in your life, and bring a greater sense of coherence, authenticity, and wholeness to who you are in work, love, and relationships.

Therapy can be beneficial to individuals who want to maximize their potential in life, feel stuck in their life, find themselves again and again in relationships that are not satisfying, feel dissatisfied with work , struggle with an addiction, feel depressed, anxious, or having difficulty adjusting to their particular stage in life.

Some of the reasons that bring individuals to therapy at Psychcare include: alcohol abuse, anger management, anxiety, attention deficit hyperactive disorder, bipolar disorders, depression, drug abuse,  grief, personality disorders, post-traumatic-stress-disorder, relationship issues, self-esteem issues, stress management issues and work issues.

At PsychCare, we custom tailor therapy to who you are as the client, to what your needs are, and to what best suits you as an individual. The information below can be helpful when you are beginning to explore what psychotherapy can offer you.

How Does Therapy Generally Begin?

Much of the success and power of psychotherapy is in the relationship between therapist and client. With that in mind, it will be important for the therapist and you to look at how you “fit” together. There are some people who interview a number of therapists before finding the therapist that fits them best. If either a PsychCare clinican or you sense that the dyad is not a fit, we can help with a referral to another therapist in the practice or in the community.

Once a fit is established, we will develop with you a treatment plan that is based on your individual needs and goals . There are times we may recommend adjunct services in addition to therapy. Adjunct therapies can be group therapy, couples/family therapy, psychiatric consultation, and psychological testing. Occasionally, the consultation itself may be enough to address the presenting issues.

What is Insight-Oriented Therapy?

PsychCare therapists at times adopt a semi-unstructured, insight-oriented approach to psychotherapy. This approach focuses on exploring your one-of-a-kind experience that has shaped who you are as a person. While people share common characteristics, each person’s mind is a unique, complex, and often a bewildering expression of being. Together, through careful exploration, you will learn more about the factors that make you who you are. ​

​For example, if you were to come in with feelings of depression, the therapist might explore what is going on in your life and how it may be related to your depression. Are you going through a life transition that brings up other issues for you? Perhaps you’ve had a loss that needs to be mourned? Maybe you’ve been very busy with your work and haven’t had time to yourself? These are some of the possibilities would be considered in the exploration of your life. Furthermore, because people are much more than their symptoms, we are not solely concerned with what is not “working” for you, but wer are also interested in your strengths, potential, creativity, and wholeness.

What is Supportive Therapy?

At times, a client may need a more structured approach, with a focus on symptom relief. For example, if you present with feelings of intense anxiety, our therapists might work together with you to alleviate the anxiety by teaching relaxation techniques and identifying what triggers the anxious feelings. Additionally, we may discuss how to deal with the cues that trigger anxiety, how to cope with your reactions, and what you can do to decrease the intensity of the feelings.

For more information or to make an appointment please call 410-343-9756 or complete our online inquiry form by clicking here.